- South Glen Gables/Rich Pond - Bowling Green, KY 42101
Weather Data for Today and Yesterday

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This page shows a summary of the data since midnight local time.

Date for Today 12/11/2024 Yesterday's Data
Temperature and Humidity
High Temperature 36.3°F at 00:00 54.5°F at 12:57
Low Temperature 29.7°F at 06:31 36.2°F at 23:54
High Apparent Temperature 31.9°F at 00:12 54.5°F at 12:57
Low Apparent Temperature 25.5°F at 06:31 31.5°F at 23:54
Low Wind Chill 29.7°F at 06:31 34.6°F at 22:40
High Heat Index 36.3°F at 00:00 54.5°F at 12:57
High Humidity 94% at 07:42 98% at 01:05
Low Humidity 83% at 01:52 84% at 20:15
Rainfall Today 0.00" 0.02"
Rainfall Rate Max 0.00"/hr at 00:00 0.00"/hr at 00:00
High Hourly Rainfall 0.00" at 00:00 0.01" at 02:10
Highest Gust 10.0 mph at 00:23 14.0 mph at 21:11
Highest Speed (10 minute average) 3.1 mph (F1) at 00:31 4.0 mph (F2) at 21:19
Wind Run 8.3 miles 33.2 miles
High Pressure (SL) 30.124 in at 08:38 30.028 in at 23:47
Low Pressure (SL) 30.002 in at 00:28 29.856 in at 03:53

:Now::Radar::Trends::Gauges::Today & Yesterday::Records::forum::webcam:

Thanks to Weather Underground for providing weather info to this site.
Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet.

System Uptime 134 days 22 hours - Software Uptime 99 days 18 hours

Data compiled using Cumulus Weather Software 3.8.3 (3093) and the Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Station.
Powered by Cumulus v3.8.3 (3093)

Page updated 12/11/2024 8:44:01 AM