- South Glen Gables/Rich Pond - Bowling Green, KY 42101
Weather Data for Today and Yesterday

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This page shows a summary of the data since midnight local time.

Date for Today 7/27/2024 Yesterday's Data
Temperature and Humidity
High Temperature 71.6°F at 00:00 90.1°F at 13:36
Low Temperature 69.8°F at 03:10 71.6°F at 23:56
High Apparent Temperature 79.4°F at 00:00 102.4°F at 13:35
Low Apparent Temperature 77.0°F at 03:10 79.4°F at 23:56
Low Wind Chill 69.8°F at 03:10 71.6°F at 23:56
High Heat Index 71.6°F at 00:00 105.9°F at 13:34
High Humidity 98% at 02:08 99% at 04:44
Low Humidity 96% at 00:00 66% at 13:37
Rainfall Today 0.00" 0.00"
Rainfall Rate Max 0.00"/hr at 00:00 0.00"/hr at 00:00
High Hourly Rainfall 0.00" at 00:00 0.00" at 00:00
Highest Gust 0.0 mph at 00:00 9.0 mph at 14:16
Highest Speed (10 minute average) 0.0 mph (F0) at 00:00 2.5 mph (F1) at 14:26
Wind Run 0.0 miles 6.5 miles
High Pressure (SL) 30.073 in at 00:11 30.125 in at 00:30
Low Pressure (SL) 30.044 in at 03:53 30.040 in at 18:41

:Now::Radar::Trends::Gauges::Today & Yesterday::Records::forum::webcam:

Thanks to Weather Underground for providing weather info to this site.
Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet.

System Uptime 16 days 6 hours - Software Uptime 16 days 6 hours

Data compiled using Cumulus Weather Software 3.8.3 (3093) and the Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Station.
Powered by Cumulus v3.8.3 (3093)

Page updated 7/27/2024 3:58:00 AM